WARNING: The following information is for reading and research purpose only. You are sole responsible for what you do to your Apple iPhone. Any modification of your Apple iPhone iOS or software will render your product's warranty voided. Please do so be advized!
In response to Blackra1n jailbreak, The iPhone Dev Team came to the rescue again with a jailbreak and unlock for the 3.1.2 iPhone Software using their new Pwnage 3.1.4 (see guides below)
So folks, please stick with Pwnage Tool as your main way to jailbreak, trust us.
From this point on we gonna repeat some of the materials from prior posts, since there is no point to reinvent. But we still like to organize information for people who are on 3.1.2 and like to jailbreak and unlock their iPhone.
If you're not sure whether or not you want to jailbreak, read the following posts (they may sway your opinion.)
- Need a reason to jailbreak your iPhone? Here's ten of them
For more information read the articles below before you start (more after the fold):
How to recover your iPhone ( you will need this if your iPhone was not restored or updated properly)
iPhone OS And Other Downloads To Rescue Failed iPhone Hacks (you will need this if you want to roll back your software)
You will need ipsw files before you start
iPhone2,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw (300+ MB)
iPhone1,2_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw (240+ MB)
iPhone1,1_3.1.2_7D11_Restore.ipsw (240+ MB)
Download New PwnageTool 3.1.4 from Torrent:
Before You Begin:
Read release information about PwnageTool 3.1.4 from Dev-Team. (Gonna say it again, do not upgrade using iTunes upgrade, specifically if your baseband is under 05.11.07 - 04.26.08. Why, because as of this writing 05.11.07 is not unlockable, so if you update to 3.1.2 using regular iTunes method, you will not be able to unlock your phone.
Update: 05.11.07 Baseband iPhone Unlock will be Released 11/04/2009 via Blacksn0w (this is only a new development, still do not update using iTunes. Make sure to read all the articles and ask questions)
In short:
1. Tool is available for Mac only
2. Jailbreak and Unlock is available for 3GS (assuming you did not update baseband from 3.0), 3G, 2G phones only
3. Unlocking will work on iPhone 3G and 3GS (assuming you did not update baseband from 3.0) using ultrasn0w. Use this guide for unlock 3.1 instructions.
4. No need for DFU mode, when you create IPSW file just you iTunes to restore your custom firmware (triple check that you are restoring from custom frimware)
4. Read comments on Dev-Team blog from early adaptors.
Our iPhone 3.1 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides:
The process is exactly the same as in the guides below, we will update guides to reflect any 3.1 issues.
How To Jailbreak iPhone OS 3.0 Using Pwnage Tool 3.0
How To Unlock iPhone 3G Using Ultrasn0w
If you've never jailbroken your phone, just follow the guides above. Don't forget to check out our glossary it may help you to understand the terminology.
Follow the check list below if you already have your iPhone jailbroken:
1. If you have Cycorder installed make sure to copy all of the videos from your iPhone to your computer.
Videos are located on your iphone under mobile user in /mobile/Media/Videos.
2. Check /mobile/library/downloads directory for files you'd like to save.
3. Use AppBackup to backup setting for your applications, just in case.
After back-up, copy /mobile/library/AppBackup folder to your computer.
4. Use AptBackup to save the list of installed Cydia Apps. Make sure to sync with iTunes after back-up (back-up is stored in iTunes).
5. If you use Categories there is no way to recover your settings (let us know if you know a method).
6. Sync your iPhone with iTunes for the last time.
7. Use one of our jailbreak guides (see list above).
8. After jailbreaking, use iTunes Restore to copy files back to your iPhone.
9. Go to Cydia and install AptBackup, restore your Cydia Applications.
10. Copy all of the folders/files from steps 1,2,3 back to your iPhone.
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